Water damages can occur in all kinds of ways—storm flooding, sewer pipe clogs, leaky water pipes and appliances, and blocked drains, toilets and sinks. A DryTime restoration pro can restore property damaged by water to its previous state. The DryTime water damage restoration pros can service both residential and commercial buildings. From basements to attics and all spaces in between, we’re here to serve you in your time of need.
The damages caused by a fire can be catastrophic. Typically it is more than just the destruction of property by combustion. Smoke and soot go hand in hand with fire, leaving smoke odors in carpets, upholstered furniture, draperies, and clothing long after the blaze is extinguished. Smoke contamination may even penetrate cupboards and cabinets, leaving smelly and sooty residue on dishes, glassware, and interior surfaces. Not only does smoke and soot discolor walls and other absorbent materials within mere minutes, but the resulting residue is also a biohazard, full of chemical compounds which invariably migrate into a building’s HVAC systems.